Renewing Caregivers / Renewing Caregiver Tutorial
Renewing Caregiver Tutorial
Registering online with the Medical Use of Marijuana Program (Program) is the fastest and most convenient way to complete the personal caregiver registration process.
In order to register as a personal caregiver in the Medical Use of Marijuana Program Online System (Online System) you must obtain a personal identification number (PIN) from the Registered Qualifying Patient (Patient) you will be assisting with the medical use of marijuana. You will submit this PIN during the registration process.
As a caregiver, you can gain access to your online account at any time by self-registering with the Program’s Online System. If you are unable to register online, you may register by mail—however the process takes much longer to complete.
Once the Program has reviewed your registration application, you will be notified by email regarding the status of your registration. Registration applications are reviewed in the order they are received.
If approved for registration, you will be able to print your temporary paper registration card and will receive your plastic registration card in the mail in one to two weeks.
Temporary paper registration cards expire four weeks from the date of registration. If you do not receive your plastic registration card within three weeks, call the Program at 833-869-6820.
Step-By-Step Registration Instructions
Caregiver registrations expire annually. You may re-apply for registration up to 60 days before the date that your registration expires by following the instructions below.
It is highly recommended that applicants apply for a registration renewal at least 60 days prior to the expiration of their current registration card. This will ensure that there is no gap in the applicant’s active status.
Step 1: Log on to the Online System
- After obtaining a PIN from your Patient, log on to the Online System.
- Click “Renew Registration” link on the home page.
Step 2: Enter identifying information
- Enter your identifying information.
Step 3: Read instructions
- On the next page you will see instructions for registering. After reading the instruction page, click “Proceed” to continue the application.
- On the following page, you will enter your personal information in the provided field. For renewals, your current registration information will automatically appear in the application fields.
Step 4: Review attestation
- Continuing on the same page, you will read the attestation and select the checkbox to agree to the attestation.
- Next, you will click the “Proceed” button to continue.
Step 5: Enter ID details
- If you selected a State License or State ID for the form of identification and the system is unable to retrieve your photograph from the Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV), you will next go to the Identification Verification page. Review your information and correct any incorrect items. Click the “Proceed” button to continue.
- If the identification being used is not from Massachusetts, click the “Proceed” button.
Step 6: Upload ID
- On the next page, enter your identification document expiration date, and select the file containing your scanned identification document and upload it by clicking the “Upload” button. You will then see the document listed in a table above the form.
- To continue, click the “Proceed” button.
Step 7: Upload photo
- On the next page, you will select the file containing your identification photo and upload it by clicking the “Upload” button. If the system was able to obtain your photograph from the Massachusetts RMV, you will see the photo displayed.
- Additionally, if the system is able to obtain the photo after you upload a photograph, you will have the option to use this photograph. You then may click the “Proceed” to continue.
Step 8: Submit application
- On the next page, review your application information and then click “Submit” to submit your application.
- If any information needs to be updated, click on the piece of information to return to the page where it may be updated.
Step 9: Patient approval
- Once you have registered, your Patient must approve your caregiver status by logging into the Online System.
- Once that is completed, the Program will process your registration.
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