Parents / Parent Caregivers
Parent Caregivers
Parent Caregivers of the Massachusetts Medical Use of Marijuana Program assist with a Registered Qualifying Pediatric Patient’s (Pediatric Patient’s) medical use of marijuana.
Underage cannabis use poses certain health consequences, such as negative effects on brain development, mental health, the heart and lungs. However, the benefits of a medical marijuana recommendation from a Certifying Healthcare Provider may outweigh the risks for youth with serious, debilitating illnesses.
Those interested in enrolling their child in the Medical Use of Marijuana Program (Program) must receive certifications from two Certifying Healthcare Providers in Massachusetts who are registered with the Program, then submit a pediatric application, which is now available online. To learn more about underage cannabis use, speak with your child’s pediatrician or visit
I am a new parent or legal guardian of a newly Pediatric Patient.
I am a new parent or legal guardian of a current Pediatric Patient.
I am the parent or legal guardian of a current Pediatric Patient and I have an account.
I am a parent or legal guardian of a current Pediatric Patient who registered via a paper application.
I previously registered as Caregiver for a Pediatric Patient via a paper application.
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