All information shared via the Open Data Platform is self-reported by licensees. The Cannabis Control Commission (Commission) does not guarantee completeness, accuracy, timeliness, or the results obtained from the use of this information, or offers a warranty of any kind, express or implied, including, but not limited to warranties of performance, merchantability, and fitness for a particular purpose.
The Commission attempts to ensure that the Open Data Platform is complete and accurate; however, because data are self-reported by licensees, they might contain typographical errors, sales or product errors, or other inaccuracies.
Further, the Commission assumes no responsibility for licensees’ errors and reserves the right to: (i) add, edit, or remove reported data; (ii) correct any errors, inaccuracies or omissions; and (iii) make changes to sales figures, product, or any other information provided.
Data last updated 07/05/2024
The Open Data Platform has not been updated since 07/05/2024 due to a third-party platform issue. The Cannabis Control Commission is actively working with the vendor to resolve the issue and appreciates your patience and understanding.
Applications and Licenses
AU = Adult Use; Medical = Medical Treatment Centers
Type | Name | Download .csv | API Endpoint |
AU | Marijuana Establishment License and Applications - Approved | .csv | .json |
AU | Marijuana Establishment License and Applications - Pending | .csv | .json |
AU | Marijuana Establishment License and Application DBE Totals | .csv | .json |
AU | Marijuana Establishment License and Applications - Approved, Pending, Re-Opened | .csv | .json |
AU | Total Adult-use Marijuana Establishment License Applications Submitted | .csv | .json |
AU | Adult-Use Marijuana Establishment License and Applications - Commence Ops | csv | json |
Agent Registration and Ownership
Sales and Product Distribution
AU = Adult Use; Medical = Medical Treatment Centers
Type | Name | Download .csv | API Endpoint |
AU | ITD Adult-use Retail and Delivery Sales Report Data | .csv | .json |
AU | Marijuana Retail and Delivery Weekly Sales Report Total | .csv | .json |
AU | Average Monthly Price per Ounce for Adult-Use Cannabis | .csv | .json |
Medical | Medical Treatment Centers - Facility Statistics | .csv | .json |
AU | Marijuana Establishment Adult-use Plant Activity and Volume | .csv | .json |
AU | Marijuana Establishment Facility Sales and Statistics (By day and product types, 2018-current) | .csv | .json |