Cannabis Advisory Board Meeting | Research Subcommittee
In accordance with Sections 18-25 of Chapter 30A of the Massachusetts General Laws, and Chapter 20 of the Acts of 2021, notice is hereby given of a meeting of the Cannabis Advisory Board Research Subcommittee. The meeting will take place as noted below.
February 3, 2023
11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
Location: Remote via Microsoft Teams Live*
1. 11:00 – 11:05 AM: Call to Order
a. Chair Welcome, Comments, and Agenda Overview
b. Voting and Approval of Previous Meetings Minutes
c. Addition of Any Agenda Items
2. 11:05 – 11:10 AM: Commissioner Roy Comments and Update
3. 11:10 – 12:45 PM: Discussion and Voting on Research Recommendations
4. 12:45 – 1:00 PM: Respond to Public Comments Shared During Meeting
5. 1:00 PM: Adjourn
6. Next Meeting Topic Dates/Time: Lab Recommendations and Voting, Date TBD
*Closed captioning available