State & Local Governments / Municipal Equity
Municipal Equity
These recommendations were created to assist municipalities and host communities in creating equitable cannabis policies to mirror equity standards established by the Cannabis Control Commission (Commission).
The Commission seeks to support municipalities in establishing fair, transparent, and equitable licensing processes for marijuana businesses at the local level in accordance with state law. The agency is required by Massachusetts General Laws chapter (“G.L. c.”) 94G §4(a½)(iv) to (1) establish procedures and policies to promote and encourage full participation in the regulated marijuana industry by people from communities that have previously been disproportionately harmed by marijuana prohibition and enforcement and (2) to positively impact those communities.
Host Communities are required to create and adhere to the following plans and policies:
- Equity Standards for Host Communities to Promote Full Participation in the Regulated Marijuana Industry;
- Equity Standards for Host Communities during Host Community Agreement (HCA) Negotiations with Equity Parties; and
- Equity Standards for Host Communities to Positively Impact Communities Disproportionately Harmed by Marijuana Prohibition and Enforcement.
To comply with these requirements, a Host Community must publicize the above equity related policies and plans, as well as information about its transparent practices to promote and encourage full equity participation in the regulated marijuana industry pursuant to 935 Code Mass. Regs. (“CMR”) §§500.181(3)(b) and 501.181 (3)(b) in a publicly accessible conspicuous location at its offices and on its website.
Given the unique opportunity to build a large and lucrative industry, the Commission encourages municipalities to build the licensee selection process in a way that prioritizes the community’s individual needs and the Commonwealth’s commitment to an equitable industry and to economic justice.
Host Community Municipal Equity Notification Application
Municipalities are required to notify the Commission of their equity policies and plans. The Commission has developed an application for Host Communities to use through the online Massachusetts Cannabis Industry Portal (MassCIP). Tutorials for registering for MassCIP and technical assistance are available on the Commission’s website.
To complete the notification application, the following information will be needed:
- Name and contact information of the municipality and its authorized municipal representative;
- The Host Community’s actions taken to meet the Commission’s minimum municipal equity standards, accompanied by supporting documentation;
- Documentation of transparent practices developed by the municipality which can include, but is not limited to, the following:
- A photo of the information publicized in a conspicuous location within the municipality’s office;
- A PDF document with a link to the municipality’s website displaying the required information; and
- A digital copy of the Municipality’s transparent practices.
- The Host Community’s Equity Plan;
- Local municipal data questions; and
- Host Community attestations.
All supporting documentation uploaded to MassCIP should be in one of the following formats and should not exceed 4MB per file: PDF, JPEG, JPG, PNG, GIF.
Equity Standards for Host Communities to Promote and Encourage Full Participation in the Regulated Marijuana Industry
Host Communities must adopt local rules or bylaws to comply with 935 CMR §§500.181(3) and 501.181(3) that include equity standards to promote and encourage full participation in the Regulated Marijuana Industry on or before May 1, 2024.
On or before May 1, 2024, a Host Community shall submit an attestation to the Commission affirming it has adopted local laws to effectuate compliance, identifying the specific laws passed. Additionally, the Host Community must submit its equity plan and any other documentation of its compliance with 935 CMR §§500.181(3) and 501.181(3).
A Host Community shall develop a municipal equity plan to encourage full participation in the regulated marijuana industry. The equity plan shall:
- Encourage applications from businesses and individuals that would meet the definition of Social Equity Businesses, Social Equity Program (SEP) Participants, and Economic Empowerment Priority Applicants (EEA) as determined by the Commission;
- Include goals, programs, and measurements a Host Community will utilize to promote and encourage equity participation;
- Consistently publish data regarding the total applicant pool for Marijuana Establishments (MEs), identifying each Social Equity Business and License Applicant that has been designated an SEP Participant or EEA, or who have been pre-verified as a Social Equity Business.
Pursuant to 935 CMR §§500.181(3)(a) and 501.181(3)(a), municipalities are presumed to have met the Commission’s minimum acceptable equity standards by taking at least one of the following actions:
- Adopting an ordinance or bylaw to exclusively permit Social Equity Businesses for three years or until the goals of the exclusivity period have been met;
- Adopting the Model Ordinance or Bylaw created by the Commission to permit Social Equity Businesses; or
- Creating a Local Approval Process for equity applicants that is administered on a 1:1 basis, where a General Applicant may be approved only after a Social Equity Business has commenced operations. Host Communities may choose to administer a 1:1 Local Approval Process until such time as 50% of the Licensees operating in the Host Community are Social Equity Businesses.
Transparent Practices to Promote and Encourage Participation
Host Communities are encouraged to build their licensee selection process in a way that prioritizes the community’s individual needs and the Commonwealth’s commitment to an equitable industry and economic justice. To promote and encourage full participation, under 935 CMR §§500.181(3)(b) and 501.181(3)(b), Host Communities must adopt transparent practices when establishing their framework. The requisite transparent practices shall include, but are not limited to:
- Publicizing certain information in a public location at its offices and on its website which at a minimum shall include:
- All required steps of a Host Community’s Local Approval Process including, but not limited to, all associated fees, deadlines, and meeting schedules for local bodies involved in the Local Approval Process;
- Identification of key individuals involved in a Host Community’s Local Approval Process, including, but not limited to, their names, titles, business addresses, and business contact information (such as email addresses or phone numbers);
- A list of all documentation required by a Host Community’s Local Approval Process, in downloadable form and paper form;
- Identification of application criteria for local approval to operate an ME and scoring methodologies relied on by a Host Community;
- General scoring information for all applicants and a Host Community’s scoring of each individual applicant;
- A Host Community’s explanation, in narrative form, of its reasoning for the approval or denial of an application; and
- Any other information required by the Commission.
Equity Standards for Host Communities during HCA Negotiations with Equity Parties
Under 935 CMR §§500.181(4)(a) and 501.181(4)(a), a Host Community shall prioritize negotiations of HCAs with equity parties. The equity party to negotiations of an HCA for an application for licensure can be (a)a License Applicant that is a Social Equity Business, (b) a License Applicant that has been designated as an SEP Participant and/or an Economic Empowerment Priority Applicant, or (c) an individual or entity verified or pre-verified pursuant to 935 CMR §500.101(7), including pre-verified individuals or entities that are not yet a License Applicant but have already been designated as a Social Equity Business and/or Economic Empowerment Applicant. A Host Community may waive or reduce fees for an equity party to an HCA negotiation, including, but not limited to Community Impact Fees (CIFs), zoning and occupancy fees.
Required Practices During HCA Negotiations with Equity Parties
At minimum, the regulations under 935 CMR §§500.181(4)(c) and 501.181(4)(c) require that a municipality or Host Community shall take the following actions during HCA negotiations with an equity party to promote and encourage their full participation:
- Engage in an ongoing dialogue by providing multiple opportunities for discussion and negotiation of HCA terms including, at minimum, two conferences with an equity party;
- Include any attorney, authorized representative, or other advocate, if selected by an equity party, in all negotiation discussions and conferences;
- Promote language access by providing a certified interpreter or translator to assist an equity party who is a Non-English speaker during all negotiation discussions and conferences;
- Provide reasonable opportunities for an equity party to review a proposed HCA, HCA term or condition outside of a negotiation conference, or to seek review or input by a third party of their choice.
- Negotiate the terms of an HCA in good faith, including consideration of flexible terms that may mitigate particular challenges affecting an equity party, such as access to capital; all terms and clauses must be conspicuously identified and openly discussed; and
- Allow an equity party to propose an amendment to, or seek cancellation of, an HCA within thirty days from the date of execution of the HCA.
Prohibited Practices During HCA Negotiations with Equity Parties
Please be aware that the regulations under 935 CMR §§500.181(4)(d) and 501.181(4)(d), specifically prohibit the following:
- No municipality or Host Community shall negotiate an HCA with an equity party through the use of undue influence, duress, coercion, intimidation, threats, or any strong-arm tactics.
- No municipality or Host Community shall threaten loss of an equity party’s position in its local application queue or delay the processing of an equity party’s application.
- No municipality or Host Community shall compel an equity party to sign a HCA in any manner that conflicts with the practices required in 935 CMR §§500.181(4)(c) or 501.181(4)(c).
- No municipality or Host Community shall negotiate or discontinue negotiations with an equity party in bad faith.
Equity Standards for Host Communities to Positively Impact Communities that were Disproportionately Harmed by Marijuana Prohibition and Enforcement
As required under 935 CMR §§500.181(5) and 501.181(5), Host Communities must develop a plan to positively impact one or more of the below communities. This plan is unique to each Host Community, and it shall outline the goals, programs, and measurements the Host Community will pursue to impact one or more of the following communities:
- Past or present residents of the geographic Disproportionately Impacted Areas (DIAs), which have been defined by the Commission and identified in its Guidance for Identifying Areas of Disproportionate Impact. The designation of these areas will be re-evaluated periodically.
- State-designated EEAs.
- State-designated SEP participants.
- Massachusetts residents who have past drug convictions.
- Massachusetts residents with parents or spouses who have drug convictions.
Below is a list of additional recommendations from the Guidance document, the Commission’s regulations, and resources from other jurisdictions nationwide that municipalities may take under advisement in crafting their equity standards and transparent practices.
Municipalities Should Consider Allowing Various Types of Businesses
The Commission created a wide variety of license types, all authorized under state law, to encourage the participation of businesses of all sizes. Each license type involves distinct areas of business operations that create jobs in distinct fields. Municipalities that want to encourage development of small businesses may want to consider what type of licenses they wish to allow within the community, such as microbusinesses, craft cooperatives or other cultivators and manufacturers, that agree to operate on a limited scale. The Commission recommends that community leaders attend an applicant’s community outreach meeting, where residents and municipal officials may raise specific concerns. Applicants may then take the opportunity to address those concerns and move forward to negotiate a host community agreement and otherwise progress through a local selection process.
Zoning Considerations
Communities should give serious consideration to zoning marijuana businesses based on the nature of their primary business operations. For example, M.G.L. c. 94G §5(b)(3) establishes a 500-foot buffer around K-12 schools, but a municipality may choose to reduce the size of that buffer. The Commission advises communities against acting arbitrarily when considering additional buffer zones or separation requirements.
Host Community Agreements
Once a community establishes zoning and a local licensing process, if it chooses to do so, the Commission recommends that municipalities clearly identify the local permits and license required to operate MEs and Medical Marijuana Treatment Centers (MTCs). It is also recommended that municipalities clearly identify the process for initiating negotiations of an HCA and a timeline for completion of those negotiations, with deadlines for both the applicant and the municipality. If there are any differences in processing or timelines for equity parties, this information should also clearly identify this information.
Selection Process
The Commission recommends that municipalities alternate signing HCAs with EEAs and non-EEAs. In deciding which companies each municipality chooses to negotiate an HCA with, the Commission recommends instituting an objective, transparent selection process intentionally focused on repairing past inequities, beginning with prioritizing review for state-designated EEAs. The Commission further recommends that municipalities consider preferences for applicants that are designated as (1) a Social Equity Business, (2) a Social Equity Program Participant, and/or (3) an Economic Empowerment Priority Applicant, or (4) an individual or entity verified or pre-verified pursuant to 935 CMR §§500.101(7) or 501.101(4); this includes pre-verified individuals or entities that are not yet a License Applicant but have already been designated as Social Equity Businesses, Economic Empowerment Applicants, or both, or applications from companies owned by marginalized groups. As part of the selection process, consider evaluating the company’s diversity plan and plan to positively impact communities disproportionately harmed, either in the municipality or generally.
The Commission urges an exploration of the following topics and questions about municipal equity, transparent practices, and access related resources:
Consider Whether Caps are Necessary
The Commission reviews each application and determines whether the application satisfies the requirements of the Commission’s regulations on cannabis, 935 CMR §§500 and 501. Such an approach leaves room for businesses of all sizes to participate and flourish, rather than forcing a large number of qualified applicants to compete for a small number of licenses, which tends to perpetuate existing inequities. In order to open in a community, the businesses will need to satisfy the regulatory requirements of local control, including a signed agreement with the community.
Are caps on licenses necessary?
Massachusetts law imposes no statewide cap on the number of marijuana licenses that may be issued. Instead, the Commission reviews each application and determines whether the application satisfies the requirements of the Commission’s regulations on adult-use cannabis (935 CMR §501 which concerns medical-use, and 935 CMR §500, which applies to recreational use) and whether the applicant is suitable for licensing. As required under 935 CMR §§500.101 and 501.101, the Commission will not issue a license to an applicant unless (a) the applicant is compliant with local bylaws and ordinances; (b) the applicant has held a Community Outreach Meeting within six months of applying for licensure; and (c) the applicant and municipality have executed an HCA. As the municipal guidance previously issued by the Commission outlines, there are several options available to communities to determine if and how cannabis commerce fits into the fabric of the community.
The Commission respects the local control that is granted to municipalities under G.L. c. 94G §3 and encourages communities to consider how cannabis businesses fit into their long-term municipal planning processes. This may include limiting the number and type of MEs as allowed under G.L. c. 94G §3, but there is no requirement that communities take that action. Communities that voted yes on Question 4 must allow at least the number of establishments equal to 20% of liquor licenses issued in their communities pursuant to G.L. c. 138, §15 for sales for consumption off-premises (including “package stores”).
In circumstances where a Host Community already has a cap or imposes a cap on the number of MEs or Medical Marijuana Treatment Centers (MTCs) that may obtain local approval to operate, if the Host Community later decides to allow additional establishments, then under 935 CMR §§500.181(3)(c)(2) and 501.181(3)(c)(2), at least 50% of those licenses, but no less than one license, above the previous cap shall be reserved for:
- License Applicants that are Social Equity Businesses;
- License Applicants that have been designated as SEP Participants and/or EEAs;
- Individuals or entities verified or pre-verified pursuant to 935 CMR §500.101(7) and/or 935 CMR 501.101(4), including pre-verified individuals or entities that have already been designated as Social Equity Businesses and/or EEAs.
A Host Community may seek exemption from this requirement by submitting a waiver request including identification of proposed compensating features to the Commission, as outlined in 935 CMR §§500.850 and 501.850.
What license types will be allowed in the municipality?
State law and Commission regulations create the following license types: cultivators, product manufacturers (sometimes known as “processors” or “producers” of cannabis oils or concentrates), retailers, transporters, testing laboratories, research facilities, microbusinesses, craft cooperatives, marijuana couriers, marijuana delivery operators, and social consumption establishments. More details about each license type can be found in the Commission’s Guidance on Licensure.
The Commission created a wide variety of license types, all authorized under state law, to encourage the participation of businesses of all sizes. Each license type involves distinct areas of business operations that create jobs in distinct fields. For example, independent testing labs may create jobs for scientists; microbusinesses and cooperatives may create jobs for those with expertise in agriculture; transporters may create jobs for drivers. Municipalities that want to encourage development of small businesses may decide to consider what types of licenses they wish to allow in their community, such as microbusinesses, craft cooperatives or other cultivators and manufacturers that agree to operate on a limited scale. Marijuana couriers, marijuana delivery operators, and social consumption establishments are currently exclusively available to equity program participants and represent a great opportunity for municipalities to support equity businesses.
Once the community has established its local zoning bylaws, ordinance and/or regulations, the Commission recommends that community leaders attend an applicant’s Community Outreach Meeting, where residents and municipal officials may raise specific concerns. Applicants may then take the opportunity to address those concerns and move forward to negotiate an HCA (see the Commission’s Guidance on Host Community Agreements) and otherwise progress through any local selection process.
Under state law, the local controls outlined under G.L. c. 94G §3 apply to any ME, including social consumption facilities and delivery businesses if those licenses are authorized under the Commission’s regulations.
Should a local tax be authorized?
A municipality may adopt a local tax of up to three percent on adult-use cannabis retail sales by a vote of its legislative body. In many state and local jurisdictions, Massachusetts included, a portion of cannabis tax revenue is earmarked for restorative justice, jail diversion, workforce development, industry specific technical assistance, and mentoring services. Equity goals may similarly be supported by designating part of the local tax or (CIF), if adopted as part of the HCA, for similar local programs.
How should each license type be zoned?
According to feedback from the Cannabis Advisory Board Subcommittee on Market Participation, and public feedback to the Commission, real estate is one of the primary hurdles for small businesses and businesses owned by people from marginalized communities. When municipalities impose overly strict zoning rules and large buffer zones, they sharply limit the number of parcels available to potential operators. This favors large businesses with substantial financial resources that can outbid other potential operators and overpay for a lease or purchase of property—often at the expense of smaller, local companies—and tends to direct large rewards to a small handful of landlords and property owners.
Overly strict local zoning in other states has also led to complaints that cannabis businesses were crowded into small sections of a municipality, often areas with a vulnerable or low-income population. One study examined the locations of MTCs in Los Angeles and reported that MTCs were located in primarily commercially zoned areas with greater road access, density of on- and off-premise alcohol outlets, and high percentage of Hispanic residents (See, Thomas and Freisthler, Examining the locations of medical marijuana dispensaries in Los Angeles, Drug Alcohol Review, (2017)).
Please note that Section 1 of Chapter 351 of the Acts of 20161 exempted the cultivation of marijuana from the agricultural exemption in the Zoning Act, G.L. c. 40A §3, thereby permitting local control over the placement of MEs. The law allows, but does not mandate, municipalities to pass bylaws and ordinances governing the “time, place, and manner” of MEs (cultivators, retailers, manufacturers, testing labs, and any other licensed cannabis-related businesses) as well as businesses dealing with cannabis accessories. Additional municipal action is not, however, a requirement, meaning that a municipality could determine that a proposed cannabis-related use falls under an existing use authorized by its bylaws or ordinances.
Therefore, the Commission’s recommendation is to zone cannabis businesses based on the nature of their primary business operations. It may be most appropriate, for example, for cultivators, microbusinesses, and cooperatives to be zoned, respectively, as agricultural, industrial, and manufacturing businesses, while cannabis retailers would be zoned in the same manner as any other retailer. Manufacturers, as defined as an ME, may be appropriate for multiple zones, as they may encompass small microbusinesses or companies creating edibles in commercial kitchens.
If a community has concerns about the new types of businesses, the Community Outreach Meeting required by the Commission for licensure gives community residents and prospective applicants a chance to discuss their concerns and formalize the solutions in an HCA (see next section).
G.L. c. 94G §5 establishes a 500-foot buffer around K-12 schools. A municipality may choose to reduce the size of that buffer. It is unclear whether buffer zones around other uses, such as parks, are legally permissible. The Commission cautions communities against acting arbitrarily in imposing additional buffer zones or separation requirements which may not be necessary.
The Commission has made the diversion of cannabis to individuals under 21 a priority issue of concern. Current studies do not show any evidence that medical marijuana dispensaries increase youth access and use of cannabis (See, Yuyan et al., Medical marijuana availability, price, and product variety, and adolescent marijuana use, J Adolescent Health (2018); See also, Johnson, et. al., The design of medical marijuana laws and adolescent use and heavy use of marijuana: analysis of 45 states from 1991-2011, Drug and Alcohol Dependence (2017)). Another recent study showed that overall, the availability of dispensaries within 5- and 25-mile buffers were not associated with recent or current adolescent cannabis use (See, Shi, Yuyan, The availability of medical marijuana dispensaries and adolescent marijuana use, Preventive Medicine (2016)).
A prominent meta-analysis of studies estimating the effects of medical marijuana laws reported that none of the studies found significant changes in past-month marijuana use following medical marijuana law enactment compared to non-medical marijuana states (See, Sarvet, et. al., Medical marijuana laws and adolescent marijuana use in the United States: a systematic review and meta-analysis, Addiction (2017)).
While there have been no definitive studies on the impact of the presence of adult-use cannabis dispensaries on youth access, the Commission has acted to ensure that licensees understand their responsibilities. The regulations issued by the Commission include extensive provisions around labeling, packaging, and marketing, as well as ME employee training, positive identification checks upon entry to an ME, and inspectional protocols that include a spot check and “secret shopper” program. In addition, the Commission launched a statewide campaign to educate the public about the safe use of marijuana and the risks associated with failing to use it safely; preventing diversion to children and adolescents is a critical part of this campaign.
Current research suggests that marijuana dispensaries are not associated with increased crime. One study found that the density of medical marijuana was unrelated to property and violent crimes in local areas (See, Freisthler, et. al., A micro-temporal geospatial analysis of medical marijuana dispensaries and crime in Long Beach California, Addiction (2016)). However, the Commission also acknowledges that crime occurs at MEs as it does at any similar business.
With this in mind, the Commission has adopted stringent security protocols intended to ensure the safety and security of the staff and consumers at MEs/MTCs as well as the general public in the areas around MEs/MTCs. Security provisions include requirements that licensees share safety plans with local law enforcement and emergency responders; cameras that record 24 hours per day; perimeter alarm systems; and incident reporting protocols. The Commission also requires the seed-to-sale tracking of all cannabis and cannabis products offered by licensed MEs/MTCs in Massachusetts.
Like overly restrictive zoning, buffer requirements between MEs prolong inequities by exacerbating the scarcity of appropriate real estate. We encourage municipalities to carefully consider whether such separation requirements are necessary (See, Sarvet, et al., supra).
What is the process and timeline for prospective licensees?
Section 56 of Chapter 55 of the Acts of 20172 requires the Commission to prioritize review and licensing decisions for prospective licensees who demonstrate experience in or business practices promoting economic empowerment in communities disproportionately impacted by high rates of arrest and incarceration for drug offenses. In accordance with the Commission’s mandate to promote and encourage full participation in the regulated marijuana industry by those disproportionately harmed communities, 935 CMR §§500.181(4) and 501.181(4) require Host Communities to prioritize negotiations of HCAs with equity parties and for municipalities to prioritize review for applicants that are a Social Equity Business; a License Applicant that has been designated as Social Equity Program Participants, Economic Empowerment Priority Applicants or both; or an individual or entity verified or pre-verified pursuant to 935 CMR §§500.101(7) or 501.101(4), including pre-verified individuals or entities that are not yet a License Applicant but have already been designated as Social Equity Businesses, Economic Empowerment Applicants, or both. In other words, those prospective licensees should be reviewed for suitability before others. Some municipalities in Massachusetts are considering prioritizing applicants by allowing them to move forward exclusively for a certain period of time. For example, a municipality may consider only EEAs and applicants who are local residents for the first six months.
We recommend that municipalities alternate signing HCAs or HCA Waivers with equity parties and non-equity parties. Regardless of the entity or entities designated to oversee the selection of MEs, the Commission recommends that it begin by designing an objective selection process and provide clear timelines for prospective licensees. For example, a certain period to demonstrate intent to apply, a certain period for Community Outreach Meetings, a certain period to discuss concerns and ways to address those concerns with the overseeing entity, a certain period for applying objective criteria and selecting which applicants proceed, and finally, a set period for negotiating an HCA that reflects the concerns raised and plans to address them. The timeline should include deadlines for both the applicant and the entity overseeing the process.
In order to make the local control process more accessible, the Commission recommends posting the process in accessible conspicuous public municipal offices, utilizing local media, social media, and partnerships with community organizations to disseminate the information as broadly as possible. Local forums with question-and-answer sessions will allow the municipality to announce the process as well as interact with prospective licensees and anticipate their questions.
2 St. 2017, c. 55, §56.
Along with its Guidance on Municipal Equity & Industry Participation the Commission has posted resources below that may be of interest to cities and towns as they develop their own equity programs. Various municipalities have independently adopted these models, ordinances, and/or policies, and the Commission does not endorse or oversee any of them. For specific questions regarding a municipality’s cannabis licensing process, please contact the city or town directly.
Cities and towns could consider encouraging increased participation in their local cannabis ecosystem by offering equity licensing applicants the following incentives:
- Removed or Reduced CIF invoices;
- Exclusive access to HCAs, or guaranteeing equity applicants a percentage of all available HCAs;
- Expediting the zoning and permitting process, or waiving certain requirements for them altogether; or
- Offering technical assistance, training, and/or loans or grants.
Here are some links to helpful resources available through the Commission website:
- Guidance for Host Communities on Equity and Host Community Agreements
- Guidance on Equity Programs
- Frequently Asked Questions about the Social Equity Program
- Equity Webpage
- State and Local Government Webpage
- Host Community Agreements Webpage
- Municipal Equity Webpage
As of February 2022, the following municipalities incorporate equity into their local licensing ordinances and/or programs:
- Boston: The City of Boston requires the approval of equity applicants on a 1:1 basis with general applicants. The City of Boston has also implemented a Cannabis Equity Program that offers grants and technical assistance to equity applicants and licensees.
- Cambridge: The City of Cambridge has incorporated an equity exclusivity period for licensing adult-use MEs.
- Lee: The Town of Lee reviews ME’s community impact costs annually, and if the Town incurs no costs, licensees are exempt from paying the CIF that year.
- Newton: The City of Newton allows delivery licensees, currently available exclusively to equity applicants, to be sited “as-of-right” and they are not required to seek a Special Permit.
- Northampton: The City of Northampton has eliminated all CIFs for MEs.
- Somerville: The City of Somerville prioritizes EEAs, Somerville residents, Co-ops, and certain operational MTCs during an exclusivity period for licensing adult-use MEs.
Any interested person may file a complaint with the Commission alleging noncompliance with the municipal equity requirement. The Commission will conduct an investigation and if the Commission substantiates an allegation of noncompliance, a Host Community will receive a notice and opportunity for corrective action. After May 1, 2025, a Host Community may be fined for noncompliance in an amount equal to the total of the CIFs received from all MEs and MTCs operating in the Host Community during the prior calendar year. All fines shall be deposited into the Cannabis Social Equity Trust Fund. The Commission may identify on its website any municipality or Host Community that has been assessed a fine for equity noncompliance.
After a finding has been made, the Host Community has a right to a hearing as outlined in 935 CMR §§500.500 and 501.500.
Policies and Practices for HCA Negotiations with Equity Parties
Given the unique opportunity to build a large and lucrative industry, the Commission encourages municipalities to create equity standards and act in good faith when negotiating HCAs with Equity Parties. Equity Parties include the following groups:
- a License Applicant that is a Social Equity Business;
- a License Applicant that has been designated as an SEP Participant, EEA or both;
- an individual or entity verified or pre-verified as a Social Equity Business;
- pre-verified individuals or entities that are not yet a License Applicant but have already been designated as SEP Participants, EEAs, or both.
A Host Community must at a minimum take the following actions during HCA negotiations:
- Engage in an ongoing dialogue by providing multiple opportunities for discussion and negotiation of HCA terms including, at minimum, two conferences with an equity party;
- Include any attorney, authorized representative, or other advocate, in all negotiation discussions and conferences;
- Promote language access by providing a certified interpreter or translator to assist an equity party who is a non-English speaker during all negotiation discussions and conferences;
- Provide reasonable opportunities for an equity party to review a proposed HCA, HCA term or condition outside of a negotiation conference, or to seek review or input by a third party of their choice.
- Negotiate the terms of an HCA in good faith, including consideration of flexible terms that may mitigate particular challenges affecting an equity party, such as access to capital, with all terms and clauses conspicuously identified and openly discussed; and
- Allow an equity party to propose an amendment to, or seek cancellation of, an HCA within thirty days from the date of execution of the HCA.
A Host Community may adhere to additional best practices during HCA Negotiations with equity parties. Best practices include but are not limited to:
- Waiving or reducing fees for an equity party to an HCA negotiation, including, but not limited to CIFs, zoning and occupancy fees.
- Developing a standard evaluation form or use the Commission’s Standard Evaluation Form to score components of an application.
- Have an equity component in the evaluation form comprising not less than 25% of the total evaluation score. The equity component may include:
- Whether an individual, entity, or License Applicant is pre-verified or verified as a Social Equity Business;
- Whether the License Applicant is an SEP Participant;
- Whether the License Applicant is an EEA;
- Whether a License Applicant or pre-verified individual or entity has a prior Marijuana-related criminal offense or conviction;
- Whether a License Applicant or pre-verified individual or entity is part of a DIA, as identified by the Commission; or
- Whether a pre-verified individual is of Black, African American, Hispanic, Latino, Native American or indigenous descent, or a majority of a pre-verified entity or License Applicant entity is comprised of individuals that are of Black, African American, Hispanic, Latino, Native American or indigenous descent.
A Host Community is prohibited from the following conduct when negotiating an HCA with an Equity Party:
- No municipality shall negotiate an HCA with an equity party through the use of undue influence, duress, coercion, intimidation, threats, or any strong-arm tactics.
- No municipality shall threaten loss of an equity party’s position in its local application queue or delay to the processing of an equity party’s application.
- No municipality shall compel an equity party to sign an HCA in any manner that conflicts with the best practices required in Commission regulations.
- No municipality or Host Community shall negotiate or discontinue negotiations with an equity party in bad faith.
For more information
View Guidance for Municipalities on Equity and Host Community Agreements.
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