News / Fair Labor Division Webinar Announcement | April 8, 2022
Fair Labor Division Webinar Announcement | April 6, 2022
Announcement from the Fair Labor Division of the Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office:
The Fair Labor Division of the Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office is responsible for enforcing the Commonwealth’s wage and hour laws, including minimum wage, overtime, prevailing wages, child labor, earned sick time, meal breaks, Sunday/holiday premium pay, and other laws.
As a burgeoning retail industry in Massachusetts, the legal cannabis sector has a host of regulatory requirements with which to comply. As the industry continues to open and operate businesses and the workforce increases, issues have begun to arise concerning compliance with state wage and hour laws. The Fair Labor Division has received a number of complaints filed by cannabis industry workers who believe they have not received wages they have earned, or other wage and hour rights have been violated.
In an effort to address such problems before they arise, the Fair Labor Division, working in conjunction with the Massachusetts Cannabis Control Commission, is reaching out to all the businesses licensed by the Commission. We are hosting several sessions of an informational webinar to give cannabis industry employers an overview of their obligations under the Commonwealth’s wage and hour laws and to answer questions concerning those obligations. We would like to invite your company to attend and participate.
We currently have three sessions scheduled on the following dates and times:
- Tuesday, April 19, 3:00-4:00 PM
- Wednesday, June 1, 2:00-3:00 PM
- Monday, July 11, 3:00-4:00 PM
The presentation is free, but pre-registration is required. To register, please visit or scan the QR at the end of this letter. To be able to answer as many participant questions as possible, we encourage you to submit questions in advance, which you can do on the registration form.
Please know we are also available to give presentations at industry conferences, to sit on panels regarding employee rights in the cannabis industry and the like.
Enclosed please find a copy of the “Massachusetts Wage and Hour Laws” poster. Every employer in the Commonwealth is required to post a copy of this poster in a conspicuous place where employees can see it. Copies can be downloaded in multiple languages at or print copies can be requested at
We hope that a representative of your company will be able to attend one of the sessions. If you have any questions about the presentations, please contact Assistant Attorney General Alex Sugerman-Brozan at
Lauren Goldman Moran
Division Chief, Fair Labor Division
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