News / Bulletin | Counterfeit Currency | August 6, 2021
Bulletin | Counterfeit Currency | August 6, 2021
From: Shawn Collins, Executive Director
Date: August 6, 2021
Subject: Counterfeit Currency
This Notice applies to licensed Marijuana Establishments and Medical Marijuana Treatment Centers (the “Licensees”). On July 21, 2021, and July 22, 2021, the Cannabis Control Commission (“Commission”) received reports regarding consumers attempting to purchase marijuana products using counterfeit currency at retail Marijuana Establishments. The Commission is aware of these incidents and this Notice serves to remind Licensees of their regulatory obligations as well as to alert Licensees of the continued need to remain cautious and vigilant.
Pursuant to 935 CMR 500.105(1)(o) and 935 CMR 501.105(1)(o), 935 CMR 500.110(1)(o) and 935 CMR 501.110(1)(o) and 935 CMR 500.110(7)(a) and 935 CMR 501.110(7)(a), Licensees are responsible for adopting policies and procedures for the handling of cash on Marijuana Establishment and Medical Marijuana Treatment Centers including, but not limited to, storage, collection frequency, and transport to financial institutions to prevent theft, loss and associated risks to the safety of employees, customers and the general public.
Consistent with that objective, Licensees might also consider taking additional measures and precautions such as:
- Utilizing counterfeit detector pens at all Marijuana Establishments and Medical Marijuana Treatment Centers where cash will be accepted;
- Conducting additional training for staff regarding identifying common signs of forged or counterfeit currency;
- Ensuring that daily cash counting inventory checks are conducted and logged.
Pursuant to 935 CMR 500.110(9)(a)(3) and 935 CMR 501.110(9)(a)(3), any criminal action involving or occurring in a Marijuana Establishment or Medical Marijuana Treatment Center shall be reported to the local police department and the Commission immediately, but in no instance, more than twenty-four (24) hours following the discovery of the incident. The Cannabis Control Commission urges all Licensees to review these regulations; 935 CMR 500.105(1)(o) and 935 CMR 501.105(1)(o), 935 CMR 500.110(1)(o) and 935 CMR 501.110(1)(o) and 935 CMR 500.110(7)(a) and 935 CMR 501.110(7)(a), and their security measures for all locations, particularly retail sites. Licensees are encouraged to submit questions about this Notice to their assigned investigator or compliance officer, or to
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